Food Donations / Food Drives
The Plymouth Food Pantry depends entirely on donations. Donating food is the most direct way to support the food pantry. The Plymouth Food Pantry encourages you to organize a food drive at your place of business, with your community groups, churches, or schools. Individual donations are also always appreciated.
In addition to food donations, personal care items like soap, tooth paste, shampoos, lotions, toilet paper are also greatly appreciated and needed by the people we serve.
Monetary gifts
Monetary gifts are also greatly appreciated. The Plymouth Food Pantry is able to stretch monetary gifts to 2-3 times their value. Monetary gifts provide the food pantry with the ability to maintain a consistent supply of food and personal care items for our residents in need. When the pantry experiences a shortage of food donations, monetary gifts allow the food pantry to maximize relationships with grocery vendors and Feeding America to purchase the staple foods needed.
We welcome as much food, time, or money you can donate.
Food and personal care items:
Place items in the barrels in front of the Plymouth Food Pantry door located inside the St. Vincent de Paul Store. Items can be dropped off between 9am and 7pm Monday- Friday, and Saturday between 9am and 5pm. There are also drop-off barrels located at the Piggly Wiggly and Pick ‘n Save grocery stores in Plymouth.
Monetary Donations:
Make a tax-deductible cash, or check donation by sending to our pantry. Please make checks payable to: Plymouth Food Pantry
Send checks to:
Plymouth Food Pantry
2225 Eastern Avenue
Plymouth, WI 53073
For any questions regarding donating, please call 920-893-2989 and leave a message or CLICK HERE to contact us via email.